Melissa Crowe

Coconut Banana Muffins | Whole30

Yes, yes, yes!! Been craving some type of “carby baked good” lately. And I know, I know, TECHNICALLY you aren’t suppose to create muffins or other baked goods on Whole30 with Whole30 ingredients, but hear me out… My husband and I embarked on Whole30 in January and we did great with it! We decided to […] Read more…

20 Minute Marinara Sauce

Super easy marinara sauce coming your way! For those of you that don’t know, I’m Italian. And every Italian girl loves her sauce. My in-laws have a giant garden and can their own tomato sauce every year which is incredible! However sometimes I don’t have time to cook it, or we run out of their […] Read more…

Coconut Date Bars|Whole 30

It is day 18 of Whole 30 for me and the hubs and I am doing well but certainly having a little sweet tooth craving here and there. I love dates! I know that they are suppose to be limited on whole 30, however I think they are very important to keep me on track […] Read more…

7 Tips to Detox the Mind and Body

Happy New Year! Wow, I can’t believe another year has come and gone. So much has happened in my life this year! The biggest for sure being my husband and I making the leap of faith and moving out of NYC to Charlotte, NC. And let me tell you.. Best decision ever. We are so […] Read more…

Italian Christmas Cookies

Merry Christmas everyone! It is the time of year that I love most. Spending time with loved ones, the music, sharing a meal and most importantly- the holiday cookies. In the Crowe household, we adore some good christmas cookies. A few of my favorites are peanut butter blossoms, gingerdoodles, pizzelles and italian sugar cookies. I’m […] Read more…

Pumpkin Spice Muffins

Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice! There is nothing I like more on a fall morning than a pumpkin spice muffin to take on the go. So perfect for those busy mornings as a quick grab and go! These are topped with crunchy pecans and are so soft and moist on the inside, you’ll love them! […] Read more…

Apple Spice Donuts

It’s Fall Ya’ll! And that means it’s time for baked donuts in the Crowe house. Fresh, warm, baked donuts give me all the fall feels. Pair them with hot apple cider or tea and I’m in heaven. These donuts are super easy to make! You can have fresh donuts ready in about 25 minutes! You’ll […] Read more…

Life Update

Hey Ya’ll! It’s been a while. Like….a while. And I’m sorry about that. So let me tell you what’s been going on with me… My last post was in April. I can’t believe it has been 5 months! In April of 2018 my husband and I were going through a tough time emotionally. We were […] Read more…

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