Anyone else a fan of sandwiches?
I absolutely love a good sandwich and one of my all-time favorites is chickpea salad. Yes, just like chicken salad except this has no chicks in it!
I love pilling this filling high between two slices of whole grain bread, or snuggled up tightly in a wrap. It is great to take to work or school as it transports well and you can make it the night before!
One of my favorite things about this particular sandwich recipe is that there is no vegan mayo in it. Honestly, I never even liked regular mayo and I think vegan mayo is just as gross. Instead of mayo, we use a nice ripe avocado 🙂
Because the avocado oxidizes, the mixture will turn brown if you don’t eat it right away, however I find I can still leave it in the fridge for 2 days and it tastes amazing—it just might not look as delicious, but it still is, I promise.
For the chickpeas in this recipe you can totally soak your own, but I strongly suggested you buy canned Goya Garbanzo Beans. I have tried this recipe with many other brands, and I find that Goya really does have the best texture, perfect for smashing. I tried a can of Trader Joe’s once for it and I couldn’t even smash the chickpeas! They were flying all over the kitchen. No good.
Get started!
You’ll start this recipe by adding in your two cans of Goya chickpeas to a small bowl and smash ‘em up good. You can smash to your preference. I like to smash it well, but still leave chunks of chickpeas visible as it adds a nice texture.
After your chickpeas are smashed up, add in a whole avocado and continue to smash. The avocado is going to act as our binder and you’ll see the salad begin to come together—exciting!!
Next, it is time for the seasonings. I keep it super simple with just some salt, pepper and ground onion. Love me some ground onion! Add in your finely chopped scallions and celery and mix it all up! Your done!
Time to add between two slices of bread, a wrap or I even love to just dip it with some crackers. It is a perfect meal or snack. Store what you don’t use in an airtight container for up to 2 days- but remember it will turn brown! Still will taste fantastic though!

The BEST Chickpea Salad
- 2- 15.5oz cans Goya Garbanzo Beans Chickpeas
- 1 avocado ripe
- 1 stalk celery finely chopped
- 2 scallons finely chopped green and whites
- 1 tsp ground onion
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp ground black pepper
Rinse and drain the canned chickpeas and add them into a medium bowl. Begin to smash the chickpeas either with the back of a fork or a potato masher.
Once the consistence is how you want, add in your ripe avocado and continue to mash until the mixture comes together.
Mix in your celery, scallon and spices. Taste for seasoning and add more salt or pepper if desired.
Add on to some slices of bread, dip with crackers, however you want to eat it- enjoy!
Recipe Notes
This recipe will keep well in the fridge for 2 days. The mixture will turn slightly brown due to the avocado, but it still tastes fantastic!
Xo, Melissa